(615) 219-9099
ReviveCleanseULTIMATE Ionic Detox Foot Bath by Body Balance System
It’s all in the name – the ReviveCleanseULTIMATE Ionic Foot Bath is the ultimate, and most advanced detox machine available on the market for professional and home use.
The ReviveCleanseULTIMATE Ionic Foot Bath System will allow you to run pinpointed frequencies which will target specific conditions and injuries. This model includes 4 basic frequencies (spine, neck & shoulder, oxygenation, and tranquility) and 10 additional frequencies of your choice.
Additional Frequencies Include:
Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Backache, Bronchial Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Cold & Flu, Cholesterol, Chronic Fatigue, Constipation, Depression, Detox, Edema, Endocrine, Eye, Fibromyalgia, Fungus, Headache, Healthy Bladder, Healthy Colon, Healthy Liver, High Blood Pressure, Immune System, Intestinal, Kidney Stone, Lyme, Migraines, Ortho, Osteo, Pain, Prostate, Relaxation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Special for Men, Special for Women, Stress, and Tinnitus.